Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!


We had a lot of fun opening presents this year. The kids had asked for an Xbox 360 as their major gift. We got it for them, but decided to have a little fun giving it to them.

It was the only present that wasn't under the tree, so after everything was opened, we asked them if they had had a good Christmas. They both answered politely that they had, but we could tell that they seemed a teensy bit down. I then reached up towards the top of our tree and pulled out a folded piece of paper stuck in the branches and exclaimed "what's this?". they both perked up, walked over, and started reading from the note. It said:

A grand gift awaits, but you must solve this riddle to find the next clue:

I am under a place of slumber
in a room with a view of lumber

They knew immediately that it must be referring to one of our bedrooms facing the backyard where we have our wood stacked. When they looked under Nick's bed, they found a bag containing a can opener. They looked a little perplexed, but opened it at our urging. Tucked in the packaging they found another note, this one said:

I'm on the table
without a label,
open me
and set me free

They remembered a can sitting on our kitchen table that Michele and I had earlier drawn attention to. We had asked them who put it there, and where was the label? All tongue in cheek of course, we knew exactly where it had come from.

They used the can opener, and inside they found another note, this one said:

Come down...
...and PLAY!

Now they knew to run down the basement. In front of the tv they found a stack of presents containing the Xbox 360, extra controllers, and assorted games. They were delighted!

I'm sure it's a Christmas they won't soon forget.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all some good gaming. I know we will. :)
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